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Author Guidelines

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • By submitting a paper, the Author confirms that he read journal's requirements for authors and that the submitted paper conforms to these requirements.
  • The Author accepts  the open access policy adopted by the journal [link] and, in case of a publication accepted for publication, grants the Publisher a license to use the work in accordance with the Author's Representation. Author’s Representation regarding granting a license to the works and a consent to the processing of personal data (statement) must be attached (as a separate file) to the application for publication.
  • The Author confirms that the submitted paper has not been previously published and has not been submitted for publication in another journal.
  • The Author confirms that they consent to the processing of personal data and have been informed about the principles of protection of their personal data in the Author's statement.
  • In the case of co-authored works the Authors attach information on the percentage of co-authorship of the work of each co-author.
  • Submitting a paper to CPH, the Author agrees to the text being made available in electronic form in repositories, databases and platforms indexing and disseminating scientific content of the editorial choosing.


Information for authors on how to prepare material for publication

Principles of ethics

Review procedure

Publishing policy and open access policy

Privacy statement and personal data protection policy

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