
Between law and memory: the birth of the Italian Republic (online lecture)

2024 June 3

CPH is organizing the first series of invited online lectures in legal history. The lectures will be delivered either by members of the Advisory Board of CPH or by scholars invited by the Editorial Team of the Journal. The third lecture by Prof. Alessia Maria Di Stefano (University of Catania) will be held online on June 13th, at 4:00 pm, and is titled 'Between law and memory: the birth of the Italian Republic'.

Read more about Between law and memory: the birth of the Italian Republic (online lecture)

The partitions of Poland in the light of the 18th century concepts of international law - online lecture

2024 May 14

CPH is organizing the first series of invited online lectures in legal history. The lectures will be delivered either by members of the Advisory Board of CPH or by scholars invited by the Editorial Team of the Journal. The second lecture by Prof. Michael G. Müller on May 21st, 4:00 pm.

Read more about The partitions of Poland in the light of the 18th century concepts of international law - online lecture

IAS Invited Lecture Series in Legal History 1.1

2024 April 12

CPH is organizing the first series of invited online lectures in legal history. The lectures will be delivered either by members of the Advisory Board of CPH or by scholars invited by the Editorial Team of the Journal. The inaugural lecture by Prof. Gerald Kohl (University of Vienna) will be held online on April 25th , at 4:30 pm, and is titled 'Judicial Independence in Austria from Pre-March to the 21st Century'.

Read more about IAS Invited Lecture Series in Legal History 1.1