The institution of the examining magistrate in the Second Polish Republic
Crucially important changes were introduced by virtue of the act of the 25th of February 1921 concerning the changes in the criminal legislation in force in the former Russian Partition (Journal of Laws 1921, No. 30, item 169).
Przepisy przechodnie do ustawy postępowania karnego [The transitory provisions for the criminal procedure act] (The Official Journal of the Department of Justice of the Provisional Council of State of the 19th of August 1927, No. 1, Section I, item 4).
Przepisy tymczasowe o urządzeniu sądownictwa w Królestwie Polskim [Provisional provisions concerning the organization of the judiciary in the Kingdom of Poland] (The Official Journal of the Department of Justice of the Provisional Council of State of the 19th of August 1927, No. 1, Section I, item 1).
“Reichsgesetzblatt für die im Reichrat(h)e vertretenen Königreiche und Länder” 1873, No. 119.
The act of the 21st January 1932 changing some provisions of the criminal procedure (Journal of Laws 1932, No. 10, item 60).
The criminal procedure act (“Reichs-Gesetzblatt” 1877).
The General regulation concerning the internal operation of courts of appeal, district courts, and municipal courts (Journal of Laws 1928, No. 104, item 934).
The General regulation concerning the internal operation of the courts of appeal, district courts, and municipal courts (Journal of Laws 1928, No. 104, item 934).
The Judiciary act (“Reichs-Gesetzblatt” 1877, No. 4).
The law on the system of common courts of the 6th of February 1928 (Journal of Laws 1928, No. 12, item 93).
The regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of the 15th of July 1927 on the examining magistrates for cases of exceptional importance (Journal of Laws 1927, No. 69, item 611).
The regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of the 7th of October 1932, which changed certain provisions of the Law on the system of common courts, introduced a uniform principle in relation to appointing all judges – appointing them by the President of the Republic of Poland upon the advice of the Minister of Justice presented with the consent of the Prime Minister (Journal of Laws 1932, No. 86, item 734).
The Regulation of the President of the Republic of Poland of the 23rd of August 1932 changing some of the provisions of the Law of the system of common courts (Journal of Laws 1932, No. 73, item 661).
The regulation on the organization of the courts in the former Prussian district (“Tygodnik Urzędowy” [Official Weekly] 1919, issue 70).
The Supreme Court ruling of the 12th of November 1929 [in:] Z. Nagórski, Prawo o ustroju sądów powszechnych z dn. 6 lutego 1928 według jednolitego tekstu z dn. 5 listopada wraz z ustawami i rozporządzeniami związkowymi i wykonawczymi oraz orzecznictwem Sądu Najwyższego [The law on the system of common courts of the 6th of February 1928 according to the uniform text of the 5th of November together with the union and executive acts and regulations as well as with the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court], Warsaw 1933.
Tymczasowa Instrukcja Ogólna dla sądów Królestwa Polskiego [Provisional General Instruction for the courts of the Kingdom of Poland] (The Official Journal of the Department of Justice of the Provisional Council of State of the Kingdom of Poland of 1917, No. 2, Section III, item 4).
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