John Maynard Keynes – from a political and legal perspective
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John Maynard Keynes
economic system
financial law
economic crisis
Keynesian economics

How to Cite

Wojciechowski, K. (2023). John Maynard Keynes – from a political and legal perspective. Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne, 74(2), 221–266.


John Maynard Keynes was not only one of the most significant economists of the last one hundred years, but he also played a tremendous part in shaping contemporary views of the political system and functioning of the state, especially in the United States and in Great Britain. Keynes’ concepts influenced, in particular, the development of numerous regulations in the field of financial law and public economic law, which referred, among others, to the financial market, central banking, public procurement, or income taxation. However, Keynes’ thought was not limited only to macroeconomics. It also encompassed the fields of philosophy, political sciences, logic, and even literary studies. His views were shaped, on the one hand, as a result of scientific and academic work, and, on the other hand, they were influenced by his experiences in the British government and in the business world. The aim of this article is to look comprehensively at the development of Keynes’ political and legal ideas (contained primarily in his writings) and their impact on his macroeconomic concepts, and thus on a considerable part of the doctrinal foundations of modern legal state interventionism in the economy.
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