Policy of Polish Authorities towards German Population under the Ministry for Regained Territories
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Polish Regained Territories
German population
displacement of German population
Polish settlement
population polonaise

How to Cite

Kacprzak, P. (2010). Policy of Polish Authorities towards German Population under the Ministry for Regained Territories. Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne, 62(2), 215–236. https://doi.org/10.14746/cph.2010.2.10

Number of views: 44

Number of downloads: 34


The German population living within the Polish territorial boundaries after the end of the Second World War was subjected to certain policy and state activities. The fundamental objective of the Polish authorities, resulting from the right of state, the social reality of the time and the national policy adopted by the government, was to displace the Germans from the territory of Poland. When the Ministry for Regained Territories was still in power, a number of actions were taken to 'encourage' the Germans to leave as well as to prevent them from associating or forming organisations. Such actions were possible because the Germans who lived in Poland at that time were practically deprived of any legal protection. When the Ministry for Regained Territories was about to discontinue its activity at the wake of the Stahnisation of the Polish state, those nationalistic attitudes weakened.

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