A literary work as an instrument of legal interpretation. Rudolf von Jhering, Josef Kohler, and Leon Piniński on Portia’s “sentence” in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice
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Rudolf von Jhering
Josef Kohler
Leon Piniński
The Merchant of Venice
legal history
Roman law

How to Cite

Jońca, M., & Jaworska-Biskup, K. (2024). A literary work as an instrument of legal interpretation. Rudolf von Jhering, Josef Kohler, and Leon Piniński on Portia’s “sentence” in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne, 76(2), 209–223. https://doi.org/10.14746/cph.2024.2.8

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William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice tells the story of an unfulfilled contract. One of the main characters of the drama, a Jewish usurer called Shylock, lends a Venetian citizen, Antonio, the sum of three thousand ducats. The contracting parties agree that if the debt is not repaid in full within three months, Shylock will have the right to carve out a pound of flesh from Antonio's body. As the money is not returned, the Doge of Venice calls a court hearing. Antonio avoids death at the hands of Shylock thanks to Portia disguised as Balthazar, a Doctor of Laws. As a result, Shylock is not only deprived of his property but also humiliated and forced to be baptised in the name of the law. The play served as a contribution to the legal deliberations and discussions of Rudolf von Jhering, Josef Kohler and Leon Piniński.

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