B-O plates of Middle Assyrian laws
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Middle Assyrian laws
Middle Assyrian laws of ancient Near East
law of ancient Near East
law in antiquity
ancient Assyria

How to Cite

Mikołajczak, T. (2024). B-O plates of Middle Assyrian laws. Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne, 76(2), 63–84. https://doi.org/10.14746/cph.2024.2.2

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The Middle Assyrian Laws (MAL) are a collection of laws dating back to the 12th century BCE, which was found in Assur, the present-day Qal’at Sherqat in Iraqi Kurdistan. The present paper contains the second part of the Polish translation and a commentary on the MAL, encompassing the tablets from B to O. These tablets cover a wide range of topics: laws on inheritance, property, theft, labor, and slander. Tablet B is particularly significant for understanding land ownership in the Middle Assyrian society, detailing laws about inheritance, purchase procedures, property boundaries, and irrigation.

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