To film an inconceivable reality: the manifesto of the young Kieślowski


Krzysztof Kieślowski
Kazimierz Karabasz
André Bazin
documentary film
film and literature
non-fiction cinema classics
dramaturgy of reality
documentary film ethics
Polish cinema
film theory

How to Cite

Jazdon, M. (2019). To film an inconceivable reality: the manifesto of the young Kieślowski. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 24(33), 155–166.


In his master’s thesis, Documentary Film and Reality, Krzysztof Kieślowski dealt with a number of problems that turned out to play a vital role in his future film career, and its documentary period in particular. This range of topics includes the concept of ‘the dramaturgy of reality’, one of the methods for factual filmmaking he intended to put into practice, but also such ideas as the relation between film and literature, between documentary film and ethics, and the difference between reportage and documentary filmmaking. These concepts had an influence on his documentary filmmaking and
led him to develop other concepts and methods for documentary filmmaking. From the perspective of Kieślowski’s creative oeuvre, the thesis Documentary Film and Reality reads as a manifesto by the young filmmaker.


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