Cardenio’s Decorum. About the madman from Henry Purcell’s mad song
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Don Quixote
mad songs
English Theatre (1660–1700)
Henry Purcell
teatr angielski

How to Cite

Igielska, A. (2009). Cardenio’s Decorum. About the madman from Henry Purcell’s mad song. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 7(13-14), 73–86.


The central topic of the article Cardenio’s Decorum is the depiction of madness in words and music. The character of Cardenio, the betrayed and lovesick Andalusian nobleman of Miguel Cervantes Saavedra’s Don Quixote, represents one of many theatrical madmen who could be seen on the English stage during the Restoration period (1660–1700) and at the same time one of those who used to present their unusual mental condition in the frame of a stage song, the so-called ‘mad song’. The function of music consists here in the transfer of affection and vivid images: bound together with unreal visions, the music generates a kind of ‘mad’ dramaturgy, in which the images appear as an analogue for the character’s inner state and decide how the musical action is to develop.
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Vida y hechosdelingenioso hidalgo don Quixote de la Mancha, J.R. Tonson, Londyn 1738. Przedrukilustracji z książki J.M. LucfaMegfas, Leer el Quijoteenimágenes. Haciaunateoria de losmodelosiconográicos, Madryt 2006 (iamina 49: G. Vandergucht, dibujo de J. Vanderbank [Londres, 1738], s. 356.

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Ch. Hamilton, William Shakespeare and John Fletcher. Cardenio or The Second Maiden's Tragedy, Gienbridge 1994, s. 189, 235, 225.

C.A. Price, Henry Purcell and the London Stage, London 1984, s. 205.

R.G. Noyes, Conventions of Song in Restoration Tragedy, PMLA 1938, t. 5311, s. 186 (www.jstor.org1stabie1458410 [download 16.07.2009]).

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A. Nicoll, A History of English Drama 1660-1900, t. 1: Restoration Drama 1660-1700, Cambridge 19674, s. 277.

T. D'Urfey, The Comical History of Don Quixote, London 1694, cz. 1, s. 40. Cyt. za: www.eebo.chadwyck. com (download 23.07.2009).

The Songs to the new play of Don Qiuxote as they are sung at the Queen's Theatre in Dorset Garden/ set by the most eminent masters of the age; all written by Mr. D'Lirfey, printed by J. Heptinstall for Samuel Briscoe, London 1964, cz. 1, s. 20—26. Cyt. za: (download 29.07.2009).

T. D'Urfey, The Comical History of Don Quixote, London 1695, cz. 3, s. 49. Cyt. za: [download 23.07.2009]).

Loving Mad Tom. Bedlamite Verses of the XVI and XVII Centuries, illustrations by N. Lindsay, foreword by R. Graves, texts ed. with notes by J. Lindsay, musical transcriptions by P. Warlock, London 1927 (reprint: 1969), s. 9—10.