
Authors of texts accepted for publication in “Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication” are required to complete, sign and return the agreements submitted by the Editorial Board for granting a free-of-charge and non-exclusive license to publish their works. According to the author’s agreement, the authors of the texts grant the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań a non-exclusive and free-of-charge license and allow the use of the Creative Commons sublicense (CC BY 4.0). The authors thereby retain the right to further and freely dispose of their work. When using other people’s works (e.g., illustrations or photographs) in the text, the responsibility for the respect of copyright regarding submitted illustrative material rests entirely with the authors of the articles. Users downloading articles from the journal’s website are free to use them for non-commercial purposes (e.g., in academic classes or research papers), but they thereby undertake to acknowledge the authorship of the works used, if only by providing a DOI number or a link to the site. However, this rule applies only to articles published after 2015, as all earlier ones have rights reserved. In addition, users may not create derivative works or distribute their own translations or adaptations without consulting the author and “Images” Editorial board. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań retains the right to the journal as a whole – including such components as layout, graphic form, title, cover designs, logos, etc.