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Piechurska-Kuciel, E. (2019). POGLĄDY NA NAUKĘ JĘZYKA OBCEGO U OSÓB Z WYSOKĄ I NISKĄ GOTOWOŚCIĄ KOMUNIKACYJNĄ W JĘZYKU ANGIELSKIM. Neofilolog, 2(42/2), 241–254. https://doi.org/10.14746/n.2014.42.2.9


Reflection is understood as an activity which enables the reproduction of past experiences, reflection and meditation about them and their evaluation. One of the most significant features shaping learner reflection may be willingness to communicate in a foreign language – one’s volitional readiness to enter a communicative event in this language. In spite of a wealth of research conducted in this area, it is still unclear why some students are willing to start communication in a foreign language, while others are adamant to avoid it. For the purpose of this paper a qualitative-quantitative study was performed, focusing on four students with very low levels of willingness to communicate in English, and four with very high levels. The research results demonstrate that high willingness is connected with feelings of safety, a tendency to achieve high proficiency and learning satisfaction. On the other hand, low willingness to communicate in English coexists with feelings of threat and unavoidable necessity to surrender to the demands of the educational system.
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