Nauczanie podsystemu leksykalnego w edukacji przedszkolnej dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu oraz zespołem Aspergera
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nauczanie podsystemu leksykalnego
specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne
edukacja przedszkolna
język obcy


Szymańska, M. (2021). Nauczanie podsystemu leksykalnego w edukacji przedszkolnej dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu oraz zespołem Aspergera. Neofilolog, (57/1), 67–77.


Not only special educational needs, but also developmental traits strongly determine the specificity of lexical repertoire teaching process of foreign language in preschool education. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a study carried out among a group of 5-year-old autistic and Asperger children. The purpose of this particular pedagogical context of preschool education is to discuss some difficulties and their feasible modifications into methodical possibilities. First of all, with the aid of neurobiological perspective the specificity of lexical repertoire teaching among children will be presented. Furthermore, particular needs and abilities of the children with autism spectrum disorder and Asperger syndrome will be discussed. The practical part of this paper was based on a research conducted in 2018/2019 in Warsaw. The study enabled us to diagnose whether the application of the multiple intelligences’ theory, the multisensorial tasks and the didactic game in the context of preschool special education affects the learning – teaching process of the foreign language.
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