About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The main aim of the journal is to develop understanding of the process of modern language learning and teaching. This includes the social and cultural dimension of these processes from theoretical and/or applied perspectives and also research methodology.  Therefore, the leading themes of published articles are in line with current trends in the field of learning and teaching foreign languages.

History of the Journal

The first volume of the journal was published in 1930. The journal had continuously been published as a quarterly until the outbreak of the Second World War. Neofilolog was reactivated in 1990 and until today is connected to the Polish Association of Modern Languages (PTN), fulfilling tasks and its role in accordance with the goals and statutory activity of the Association. The journal publishes articles related to the topics of the annual conferences organized by the PTN and to the current research problem area in the fields of foreign language teaching and learning as well as applied linguistics. The journal has been available online since 2009, issue 32.

Publisher of the journal Neofilolog

Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne

(Polish Association of Modern Languages)

Collegium Novum UAM 

al. Niepodległości 4
61-874 Poznań, Poland