Privacy Statement



Pursuant to art. 13 of general regulations on personal data protection of the Act dated 27 April 2016  (the official gazette Dz. Urz. UE L 119 of 04.05.2016) we inform that:

  1. The administrator of your personal data is Polish Association of Modern Languages (PTN) based at UAM, Collegium Novum, al. Niepodległości 4, room 014, 61-874 Poznań.
  2. The aim of processing your personal data is the fulfilment of statutory objectives of Polish Association of Modern Languages which, among others, include: publishing scientific articles and the contact with their authors, placing articles in bibliographic bases, and sending a newsletter.
  3. Providing personal data is voluntary. The basis of data processing is your consent. Your data, such as: first name and surname, academic affiliation, the address of employment, office email, can be made public on the website of Polish Association of Modern Languages and on the Internet website of Neofilolog, in paper issues of Neofilolog, and can be disseminated only with the related scientific contributions.
  4. Your data is not shared with any other outside bodies. The basis of sharing is the necessity of fulfilling PTN’s objectives (art. 6 par. 1 letter b RODO). Lack of consent to sharing the above data renders the fulfilment of PTN’s objectives impossible, including the publishing of scientific articles.
  1. Your personal data will be stored for the time of fulfilling PTN’s objectives, that is as long as PTN and Neofilolog exist.
  2. Your personal data is not shared with other bodies, with the exception of the bodies entitled to this by legal regulations. The access to your data will be shared with the persons who are entitled by the Administrator to process the data as part of their commitments.
  1. You have a right to withdraw your consent at any time.
  2. You also have a right to demand from the administrator the access to your personal data, its correction, removal or the restriction of processing, and a right to make a complaint to a supervisory body.
  3. If you have questions concerning personal data processing, please, contact the Data Protection Officer
  1. Your personal data will neither be processed automatically nor subjected to determining user profile.