Evaluation of the Potential of an Erasmus Intensive Programme (IP) as a Tool for the Development of Intercultural Competence of European Teachers of English
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intercultural competence
teacher training
Erasmus intensive programme

How to Cite

Strugielska, A., & Strzemeski, K. (2019). Evaluation of the Potential of an Erasmus Intensive Programme (IP) as a Tool for the Development of Intercultural Competence of European Teachers of English. Neofilolog, (45/1), 43–55. https://doi.org/10.14746/n.2015.45.1.03


The intensive programme for the Development of Intercultural Competence
of European Teachers of English (DICETE) aimed at the creation
of an innovative module of intercultural teacher training for English as
a lingua franca, which is being implemented in four partner universities
as a part of the regular curriculum. This article presents how the concept
of intercultural competence (IC) was negotiated by the participants
and how it related to the particular stages of the project. Techniques
in the programme for developing IC are described and the addresses
to their repository in which they are available are given.

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Byram, M. 1997. Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative. Clevedon: Mul-tilingual Matters.

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Marczak, M. 2010. „New trends in teaching language and culture” (w) Coping with Diversity (red. H. Komorowska i L. Aleksandrowicz-Pędich). Warszawa: Wydaw-nictwo SWPS Academica: 13-28.

Mihułka, K. 2012. „Sposoby rozwijania kompetencji interkulturowej na lekcji języka obcego”. Języki Obce w Szkole 2: 107-117.

Liczne opracowania (anglojęzyczne) z pozostałych krajów uczestników projektu można znaleźć w tzw. „knowledge base” zasobów projektu na platformie moodle (https: //moodle.umk.pl/course).