Gifted learner – autonomous learner: How to develop effective strategies for classroom language learning
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Learner autonomy
learning strategies
gifted student

How to Cite

Cichoń, M. . (2019). Gifted learner – autonomous learner: How to develop effective strategies for classroom language learning. Neofilolog, (36), 319–329.


The paper is devoted to the learner‟s capacity for autonomous foreign language learning, as well as to the role of the teacher in shaping cogni-tive, metacognitive and socioaffective strategies, which can contribute to effective language education in particular ways. Nowadays teachers can-not neglect skills falling into the „learn to learn” category, which are in-cluded in the university teacher training and handbooks only to a very li-mited degree. The need to focus on such skills is illustrated by the results of surveys conducted among foreign language students, demonstrating their very limited awareness of language learning strategies.
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