The paper is devoted to the learner‟s capacity for autonomous foreign language learning, as well as to the role of the teacher in shaping cogni-tive, metacognitive and socioaffective strategies, which can contribute to effective language education in particular ways. Nowadays teachers can-not neglect skills falling into the „learn to learn” category, which are in-cluded in the university teacher training and handbooks only to a very li-mited degree. The need to focus on such skills is illustrated by the results of surveys conducted among foreign language students, demonstrating their very limited awareness of language learning strategies.
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Cyr, P. 1998. Les stratégies d’apprentissage. Paris: CLE International.
Mezzadri, M. 2003. I ferri del mestiere. (Auto) formazione per l’insegnante di lingue. Pe-rugia: Guerra Edizioni. Welland Ontario: ed. Soleil.
Naiman, N., M. Fröhlich, H. H. Stern, A. Todesco 1978: The Good Language Learner. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Wilczyńska, W. 1999. Uczyć się czy być nauczanym? O autonomii w przyswajaniu języka obcego. Warszawa – Poznań: PWN.
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