The purpose of this article is to examine the issue of interculturality in contemporary Francophone literatures in the language classroom. As a tool of a humanist and intercultural education, the purpose of which is based on the awareness of cultural diversity and dialogue with the alterity, the literary text thus becomes a mediator in the development of intercultural competence. To illustrate this hypothesis, three texts will serve as a reference for this purpose: Dans le ventre du Congo (2021) by Blaise Ndala which tells the story of the conflictual relationship between Belgium and the colonized Congo; Les Impatientes (2020) by Djaili Amadou Amal which evokes the problem of violence against Cameroonian women, while La dynastie des boiteux. Zoonomia (2018) by Bessora deals with the figure of a Reunionese naturalist explorer of colonized Africa.
Francophone contemporary literature
intercultural competence
French as a Foreign Language (FFL)
Members may also deposit reference lists here too.
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