Wymiany wirtualne jako forma kształcenia wspierająca rozwój umiejętności interakcji online
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wymiana wirtualna
interakcja online
język włoski jako obcy
poziom A1
CEFR Companion Volume

Comment citer

Pieczka, A. (2021). Wymiany wirtualne jako forma kształcenia wspierająca rozwój umiejętności interakcji online. Neofilolog, (57/1), 151–166. https://doi.org/10.14746/n.2021.57.1.10


In today's world interactions between language learners take place not only in a direct form but also online. Online communication requires adequate forms of teaching, one of which can be learning through virtual exchanges. This article shows how this form of learning allows the use of skills characteristic of online interactions defined in the CEFR Companion Volume. The research herein presented is based on data collected during a Polish-Italian virtual exchange. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of A1 level Italian students' statements gathered during the project showed that participation in the virtual exchange was an opportunity for learners to use various skills related to online conversation and discussion defined in the CERF Companion Volume. The results also show that the number of statements created by the learners was significantly higher than the minimum necessary to complete the assigned tasks. Furthermore, the students demonstrated many online interaction skills assigned to the A2 level, thus exceeding the level of their Italian language proficiency. On this basis, it can be concluded that virtual exchanges are an engaging form of learning for students, even at the beginner level, which allows them to realize their potential for communicating in the target language with the use of online interaction skills.

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