Reflection in teacher development is important as it can help both experienced
and novice teachers to better understand the processes they
are involved in. It can also be used to aid evaluation processes. This paper
presents a small scale study that involved undergraduate English
philology students from Gdańsk University who were studying for the
teacher specialisation. One of its purposes was to trial a strategy for
feedback that could be used to mediate an already existing model of
assessment for students’ taught lessons, which previous to the study
used only a prescribed set of assessment criteria. Another purpose was
to promote a reflective turn in both the student-teacher and academic
mentor (myself), which would then inform the discussions that took
place after each observed lesson. In addition to this, I was interested to
find out if this strategy would generate a suitable quality and quantity
of information, so that it might be used for further research. Overall,
the strategy proved a useful aid to reflection in relation to the students’
teaching practices. As a research tool, it also generated usable data.
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