Remote teaching in Applied Linguistics – between necessity and choice
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online teaching
hybrid teaching
Generation Z
quality of education
teaching with MS Teams
written interview
participant observation

How to Cite

Krenz-Brzozowska, L., & Błaszkowska, H. (2021). Remote teaching in Applied Linguistics – between necessity and choice . Neofilolog, (57/2), 281–294.


At the Institute of Applied Linguistics (ILS) as at the whole of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (UAM), full-time classes have been suspended as of 11 March 2019 due to the declaration of a pandemic, and till now (April 2021) are being held in remote mode. The need to switch from full-time to remote teaching therefore fell on both lecturers and students suddenly, causing temporary disorganisation of the teaching process. In a short time, however, both parties had to organise themselves anew and take up the hitherto unknown challenge of learning and teaching completely at a distance, even though the form of communication itself, via the Internet, was not new. The problems this posed and the conclusions it led to are presented in this article. The aim of the article is to reflect on the form and implementation of distance learning in selected subjects of the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in Applied Linguistics at ILS in the academic years 2019/20 and 2020/21, based on the experiences of the authors of the article and the participating students, as well as to draw conclusions on the effectiveness of this form of teaching and raising the quality of education in the subjects studied.
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