Phonetics of the mother tongue and the formation phonetic competence in a foreign language on the example of French language
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phonological competence
mother tongue
foreign language
comparative procedures
physiological analysis strategies

How to Cite

Gajos, M. (2021). Phonetics of the mother tongue and the formation phonetic competence in a foreign language on the example of French language. Neofilolog, (57/1), 9–23.


Correct and effective communication requires the mastery of all language subsystems. In the process of acquiring foreign languages ​​in the educational environment, the development of phonetic competence is often treated as marginal. This is evidenced by the research results quoted in the article. The article is a starting point for a discussion on the usefulness of mother tongue phonetics in shaping phonetic skills in a foreign language. The author's observations and research show that the phonetics of the mother tongue is not only a source of interlingual interference. The knowledge and skills in phonetics acquired in the mother tongue can play the role of a positive transfer in shaping phonetic competence in a foreign language and help in mastering the correct perception and articulation of sounds and prosody.
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