The Place of the First Language and Pluralistic Approaches in French Textbooks for High Schools in Poland
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pluralistic approaches
first language
French textbooks

How to Cite

Chmiel-Bożek, H. (2023). The Place of the First Language and Pluralistic Approaches in French Textbooks for High Schools in Poland. Neofilolog, (60/2), 328–347.


The Council of Europe has been promoting pluralistic approaches for more than 20 years, considering them as an effective tool for the development of plurilingual competence, indispensable in the multilingual Europe. The aim of the article is to determine the place of pluralistic approaches in the latest French textbooks (published after 2018) for high schools. The analysis shows that elements characteristic of pluralistic approaches are present in the analysed textbooks in varying degrees, both at the textual and paratextual level. Textbook authors use pluralistic approaches in a variety of ways, for example by referencing the knowledge of Polish, English as well as the non-verbal language.
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