“Planting, building, and digging”. The municipal law of Alexandria on distance and on the procedure in case of its violation
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Dikaiomata (P. Hal. 1)
Greek law
municipal law of Alexandria
distance from adjacent land
work prevention
Solon’s law

How to Cite

Skalec, A. (2020). “Planting, building, and digging”. The municipal law of Alexandria on distance and on the procedure in case of its violation . Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne, 72(1), 89–120. https://doi.org/10.14746/cph.2020.1.6

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The subject matter of the present article is a fragment of “Dikaiomata” (“P. Hal.” 1, ll. 79-105), a papyrus from the 3rd century BC, which is one of the rare few sources which provide information concerning the municipal law of Alexandria. The analyzed part of the document contains regulations pertaining to the distance which was supposed to have been kept from one’s neighbors when carrying out various works on one’s own property (the distance to be kept in case of erecting a fence, a wall, or a building; the distance to be kept while digging trenches and pits as well as planting plants). Moreover, it contains the procedure which was applicable if one was found to be in violation of the regulations. Distance regulations are known from other sources, both Greek and Roman, which enables one to supplement and compare them. Those related to the procedure were only preserved in the “Dikaiomata” and they were limited to planting and digging cases only. They provided for the possibility of stopping the works which were being carried out on the neighboring plot and, as a result, one was obliged to remove all the plants and ditches. Moreover, in case one failed to do so prior to the indicated deadline, the use of self-help was allowed and it was possible to demand reparation of damages. It seems that in case of this fragment one deals with provisions the character of which pertain to Greece in general. Subsequently, they were adopted by Alexandrian law. The article contains a list and a delineation of the differences, both grammatical and substantive, between the versions of the law preserved in “Dikaiomata” and in “The Digest”. It also attempts to explain them by making references to the urban reality of archaic and classical Greece, Hellenistic Alexandria and Rome as well as to the specificity of Roman law.

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