Dysleksja rozwojowa w kontekście edukacji obcojęzycznej – perspektywa interdyscyplinarna
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dysleksja rozwojowa
metody terapii
nauczanie języka angielskiego

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Jaworska-Biskup, K. . (2011). Dysleksja rozwojowa w kontekście edukacji obcojęzycznej – perspektywa interdyscyplinarna. Neofilolog, (36), 255–270. https://doi.org/10.14746/n.2011.36.18


Many branches of science and academic disciplines such as psychology, linguistics or medicine fuel interest in developmental dyslexia by propos-ing a variety of theories attempting to determine what causes dyslexia and how dyslexia influences the acquisition of a foreign. For this particular reason, a foreign language teacher must not only be equipped with a sound methodological knowledge but also familiar with current ap-proaches to dyslexia. The main tenet of this article is that dyslexia-related difficulties have a tremendous impact on second language learning, which necessitates the inclusion of specially adapted techniques and instruction.

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