
Current Issue

No. 27 (36) (2023)
Published 2024 March 7

The annual publication "Biblioteka” is a nationwide research periodical. The title particularly attracts research articles that would present the results of research studies on broadly understood problems and issues in library and information science, such as the history of books, libraries and modern librarianship, bibliology (the academic study of books as physical, cultural objects) and research information and documentation as well as media studies. From 2004 ”Biblioteka” has been a peer-reviewed journal. The policy of the journal is to publish at least 50 per cent of articles that are authored by researchers from research centres other than the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The online version of the title is the original version of the journal. The archival numbers of “Biblioteka”: from No. 1(10)1997 to No. 10(19)2006, are available in their full version online on the Wielkopolska Digital Library platform. The content of successive volumes is available in the database Muzeum Historii Polski BazHum and Directory of Open Access Journals, and from 2007 the contents of successive current volumes are available in the institutional repository AMUR. This publication has been indexed in IC Journals Master List.



JOURNAL METRICS: Ministry of Education and Science (2024): 40

DOI: 10.14746/b
eISSN: 2391-5838
ISSN: 1506-3615
Published work are  licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.Licencja Creative Commons




Justyna Łopaczyk
From the Editor
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Peter Sjökvist
On Literary Spoils of War in Private Libraries. The Case of Rålamb at Länna Gård
Sławomir Sobczyk
The Royal Danish Library: a multi-faceted (multi-dimensional) bridge between the past and the modern day
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Eliza Pieciul-Karmińska, Renata Wilgosiewicz-Skutecka
The working library of Brothers Grimm and the portion of their book collection found at University Library, Poznań
PDF (Język Polski)
Szymon Bauman
Administrative and disciplinary proceedings against the caretaker Józef Książkiewicz as a minor contribution to the history of the Library of Poznań University in the inter-war period
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Jean-Dominique Mellot
The development of the research on the history of libraries: a handful of reflections from the French perspective
PDF (Français (France))
Agnieszka Rybarczyk
The diversity of language of form - the visual and verbal nature of Liberature, the library collection from University Library in Poznań
PDF (Język Polski)
Joanna Gajowiecka-Misztal
“I don’t believe in fairy tales!”: Henriette Regina Davidson Avram (1919–2006)
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Marcin Zaborski
The enemy from across the river Oder. Portrayals of the Germans depicted in the Polish periodical “Płomyk” (1945-1949)F THE GERMANS DE-PICTED IN THE POLISH PERIODICAL “PŁOMYK” (1945-1949)
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Aneta Drabek
Polish humanities and theology journals in Scopus: towards internationalization
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Leszek Szafrański, Marta Urbaniec
The use of altmetric indicators in the Open Research Data Repository for Cracow-based Institutions of Higher Learning (an intercollegiate platform for data deposition)
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Włodzimierz Lewoniewski
The Most Cited Scientific Information Sources in Wikipedia Articles Across Various Languages
Magdalena Biniaś-Szkopek, Aleksandra Losik
Do historians dream about digital manuscripts? The Digital Platform of the Kórnik Library and the workshop of a researcher of the past
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Marek Górski
Conference of Directors of Academic Libraries of Higher Education Institutions in Poland and its foundation in view of available documents and the most important facts in its 25-year long existence
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Lidia Derfert-Wolf
The Performance Analysis for Research Libraries (AFBN) – from the perspective of 20 years of experience
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DOI: 10.14746/b | ISSN: 1506-3615 | ISSN (Online): 2391-5838 | Licencja Creative Commons