Gwary Dziś

Current Issue

Vol. 16 (2023)
Published 2023 December 20

“Gwary Dziś” journal dates back to 2001 when the first volume was published under that title, with J. Sierociuk as the editor. In 2015, the series was transformed into an on-line journal and an informal organ of the Dialectology Committee at the International Committee of Slavists. “Gwary Dziś” are annals dedicated to Slavic dialectology. The Slavic aspect of the published works has been strongly accentuated since the beginning of the series and reflected in the selection of the authors who come from all the Slavic (and other) countries. As a result,  the journal has become a platform for exchanging the results of research carried out by academics dealing with sub-dialects from the entire Slavic territory. The journal publishes detailed, theoretical and material works written in the spirit of traditional as well as modern theories. The thematic scope encompasses contemporary and historical dialectology and its borderlines.


CEJSH; Google Scholar

JOURNAL METRICS: Score of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2023): 70 DOI: 10.14746/gd ISSN: 1898-9276 e-ISSN: 2544-6983 ARTICLES ARE LICENSED UNDER A CREATIVE COMMONS CREATIVE COMMONS: :
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 Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License


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Digitalizacja i upowszechnienie czasopisma „Gwary Dziś" za lata 2018-2019


2020 January 8

Artykuły i rozprawy

Jerzy Sierociuk
Od Redakcji
PDF (Język Polski)
Justyna Garczyńska
The application of Pillai statistics in research on vowels.
PDF (Język Polski)
Sonja Ognjanović
Proclitication of verb enclitic in a dialect of the Serbian language
PDF (Język Polski)
Izabela Ejsmunt-Wieczorek
Rection vs. polysemy of verbs in Polish dialects.
PDF (Język Polski)
Vira Romanivna Diachuk
Semantic elements of the concept of mother in derivatives from the nouns maty and nenia in Ukrainian Middle-upper-Dnieper and Hutsul dialects.
PDF (Język Polski)
Tetiana Yastremska
Lexical-semantic modelling: advantages and prospects.
PDF (Język Polski)
Halina Karaś
Dialectical dictionaries from the area of “Deaf German” settlement as a source for a study of lexical Germanisms.
pdf (Język Polski)
Renata Kucharzyk
Regional lexical differences in common linguistic awareness.
PDF (Język Polski)
Milena Šipková, Martina Ireinová
The image of the goose in Czech folk phraseology
PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Kostecka-Sadowa
Lexeme siła ‘much, many’ in Polish dialects and southern Polish dialect in the borderland.
PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Paluszak-Bronka
Names of methods, tools and devices for catching fish in Kuyavia dialects
PDF (Język Polski)
Lidia Przymuszała, Dorota Świtała-Trybek
Names of receptions in the dialect and culture of Silesia (a comparative study)
PDF (Język Polski)
Justyna Kobus
The names of butterflies in the speech of the inhabitants of Greater Poland villages.
PDF (Język Polski)
Liudmyla Riabets
Materiały do osiągnięć leksykografii słowiańskiej
PDF (Język Polski)
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