Current Issue
“Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia” is a six-monthly scientific journal dedicated to the study of language, literature and culture of Ukraine. The journal was established at the Institute of the Russian and Ukrainian Studies (now Institute of East Slavic Philology) of Adam Mickiewicz University. The first issue was published in 2013. The Editorial Board of the journal accepts researchers’ papers from well-known science centers, as well as the works of young scientists. We publish in Ukrainian, Polish and English languages. Each article is submitted for external review (double-blind). The scientific committee of “Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia” includes both Polish (from Poznań, Wrocław and Warsaw) and foreign scientists (from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, USA, Hungary).
The journal does not charge any fees for article submission, review process and article publication.
Arianta, BazHum, CEEOL, CEJSH, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus, PKP Index, WorldCat, Google Scholar
Ministry of Education and Science (2023): 40
ICV 2022: 100.00
DOI: 10.14746/sup
ISSN: 2300-4754
ISSN online: 2720-1953
THE ARTICLES ARE PUBLISHED UNDER THE CREATIVE COMMONS LICENCE: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The PRESSto platform digitally preserves the content of this journal using the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN), which provides digital long-term preservation of data and secured access to the content of the journal.
The journal "Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia" complies with the I40C standards for open citations.
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Call for papers (XIII/2)
The thematic scope of the journal: Ukrainian linguistic and literary studies, the comparative studies of the Ukrainian and Polish languages, the history of Ukrainian language, teaching methods of Ukrainian as a foreign language, connections between literature and culture of Ukraine and Poland, different aspects of translating. In 2014-2015, more than 80 % of the authors of journal were from foreign scientific institutions. “Studia Ucrainica Posnaniensia” is indexed in Index Copernicus International, CEJSH, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, PBN Polska Bibliografia Naukowa etc.
You can send your articles to the e-mail address until the 01.09.2025
The suggested length of papers cannot be more than 40 000 signs with spaces. Editorial guidelines can be found at
Call for papers (X/1)
The thematic scope of the journal: Ukrainian linguistic and literary studies, the comparative studies of the Ukrainian and Polish languages, the history of Ukrainian language, teaching methods of Ukrainian as a foreign language, connections between literature and culture of Ukraine and Poland, different aspects of translating. In 2014-2015, more than 80 % of the authors of journal were from foreign scientific institutions. “Studia Ucrainica Posnaniensia” is indexed in Index Copernicus International, CEJSH, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, PBN Polska Bibliografia Naukowa etc.
You can send your articles to the e-mail address until the 01.03.2022
The suggested length of papers cannot be more than 40 000 signs with spaces. Editorial guidelines can be found at
Call for papers (9/2)
The thematic scope of the journal: Ukrainian linguistic and literary studies, the comparative studies of the Ukrainian and Polish languages, the history of Ukrainian language, teaching methods of Ukrainian as a foreign language, connections between literature and culture of Ukraine and Poland, different aspects of translating. In 2014-2015, more than 80 % of the authors of journal were from foreign scientific institutions. “Studia Ucrainica Posnaniensia” is indexed in Index Copernicus International, CEJSH, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, PBN Polska Bibliografia Naukowa etc.
You can send your articles to the e-mail address until the 01.10.2021
The suggested length of papers cannot be more than 40 000 signs with spaces. Editorial guidelines can be found at