No. 1(5) (1995): Jakość szkolnictwa wyższego - próby oceny
Jakość szkolnictwa wyższego - próby oceny

Oryginalny artykuł naukowy

Julita Jabłecka
Higher Education: Assessment, Performance Indicators - Review of Concerns
PDF (Język Polski)
Elżbieta Wnuk-Lipińska
Quality Assessment of Higher Education in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europę
Maria Wójcicka
Quality of Education and Accreditation - Assessment Mechanisms and Procedures. The Polish Example
PDF (Język Polski)
Mirosław Łoboda
The Managerial Training Accreditation System Adopted by the Society of Managerial Education FORUM
PDF (Język Polski)
Jerzy Woźnicki, Andrzej Kraśniewski
Functional and Structural Components and Premises of Quality Assurance in a Flexible System of Study
PDF (Język Polski)
Ewa Chmielecka, Barbara Minkiewicz, Elżbieta Moskalewicz-Ziółkowska
The Quality of Education and lt’s Assessment in The Warsaw School of Economics
PDF (Język Polski)
Emil Panek
The Reform of the Education Process at the Academy of Economics in Poznań, in the Perspective of Transformations Occurring in the Higher Education Institutions in Poland
PDF (Język Polski)
Aleksander Przystanowicz, Marian Obara
The Medical Academy Students Opinions on the Performance of Teachers
PDF (Język Polski)
Mirosława Jastrząb-Mrozicka, Miłowit Kuniński
The System of Promotion in the Opinion of the Teaching and Research Personnel
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Małgorzata Dąbrowa-Szefler
The Basic Features of the Higher Education Institutions Financing Systems in the OECD Countries
PDF (Język Polski)
Piotr Bielecki
The Economic Effectiveness of Education on the lndividual and the Social Planes
PDF (Język Polski)