Opublikowane: 2019 listopada 7

Regional Research in the History of Education – Methodological Problems

7-12 Edyta Głowacka-Sobiech

The Genesis and Development of Church Legislation on Education in the Middle Ages

15-35 Krzysztof Ratajczak

School Legislation of Ecumenical Councils from the 12th to the First Half of the 14th Century and the Beginning of its Reception in Medieval Poland – the Outline of the Problem

37-52 Krzysztof Ratajczak

Apostolic Legates in Poland in the Middle Ages and Their Role in Adopting Particular Ecclesiastical Legislation by the Polish Church – Educational Aspects

53-65 Krzysztof Ratajczak

Rhetoric and History in Service of Education in Poland on the Basis of the Script of Rhetoric Lectures at the Jesuit College in Poznań from 1679

67-80 Michał Nowicki

Construction of Elementary Schools in Galicia and the Kingdom of Poland in Magazines of the late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

81-97 Stefania Walasek

The Subject of Girls’ Education in School Reforms from the National Education Commission to World War II

99-115 Katarzyna Dormus

The Pomeranian National Institute for the Deaf and Speech-Impaired in Wejherowo, 1921–1939. Introduction to research

117-135 Marzena Pękowska

Reformatory Concepts of Educational and Care Activities in Regards to Neglected Children in the Kingdom of Poland at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries in Comparison with European Solutions

137-150 Aneta Bołdyrew

Development of Education for Indigenous Minorities in Alaska

151-169 Tomasz Gmerek

Three Pedagogical Congresses

171-178 Wiesław Jamrożek

Upbringing Towards the “Highest” Values in the Activities and Program of “Eleusis” During the Period of National Captivity

179-187 Edyta Głowacka-Sobiech

State of Research on the History of the Lubrański Academy

189-204 Michał Nowicki

Fundatio Orzełkoviana. A Contribution to the History of Scholarship Foundations in Polonia Maior During the Old Polish Period

205-212 Michał Nowicki

Upbringing of Girls as Reflected in the Activities and Views of Blessed Marcelina Darowska

213-227 Marcelina Knop

Concern for the Sobriety of Youth in Młody Hufiec in 1927-1939

229-240 Jacek Biskupski

Press Information on Activities of Ministers of Education of Bulgaria, Sweden and Hungary Visiting Poland in 1935

241-263 Piotr Gołdyn

Social Response in Poland in 1944–1948

265-281 Mikołaj Brenk

Controversies Around the System, Organisation and Curriculum Structure of Secondary School Education in Poland, in the Years 1944–1948

283-299 Justyna Gulczyńska