About Journal

  • Annales Missiologici Posnanienses

    The journal "Annales Missiologici Posnanienses" traces its genesis back to the 1920s, when it was decided in the Poznan academic community to bring the subject of missiology to the readers in a more systematic and in-depth way. Today, the journal provides a space for scholarly reflection on the...
  • Artium Quaestiones

    Artium Quaestiones  is a leading peer-reviewed academic annual journal edited by the Department of Art History at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. It has been continuously published since 1979 by Adam Mickiewicz University Press and since its inception served as a platform for theoretical...
  • Badania Fizjograficzne Seria A - Geografia Fizyczna

    This journal is widely distributed in the country. Among the works published in the recommended periodical, there are not only recognized personalities from the world of science, but also, which deserves special mention, young adepts of Polish science. The journal has a supra-regional reach and...
  • Badania Fizjograficzne Seria B - Botanika

    Czasopismo recenzowane Badania Fizjograficzne Seria B - Botanika jest rocznikiem. Publikuje w języku polskim lub angielskim artykuły i notatki naukowe z dziedzin: geobotanika (fitosocjologia, florystyka, geografia roślin), hydrobiologia, ekologia roślin, mykologia, lichenologia i ochrona...
  • Balcanica Posnaniensia. Acta et studia

    The scientific journal is owned by the Faculty of History, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. Between 1984 and 2009 published as a serial (thematic issues), from 2009 switched to yearly issues (thematic and mixed). The journal deals with the area of South-East Europe, retaining an...
  • Baltic-Pontic Studies

    Baltic-Pontic Studies (BPS)  is a yearbook published since 1993 together by two institutes of the Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznań, Poland: the Institute of Archaeology (until 2017: Institute of Prehistory) and the Institute of Eastern Studies. The idea of a journal that would present...
  • Biblioteka

    The annual publication "Biblioteka” is a nationwide research periodical. The title particularly attracts research articles that would present the results of research studies on broadly understood problems and issues in library and information science, such as the history of books, libraries and...
  • Biodiversity: Research and Conservation

    An international quarterly, the Biodiversity: Research and Conservation (Biodiv. Res. Conserv.) publishes original papers, short notes and reviews in fields of plant, fungi and lichens taxonomy, chorology, ecology and nature conservation. Preferences are given to works concerning contemporary...
  • Biuletyn Historii Wychowania

    The academic journal has been on the publishing market since 1995, it is an organ of the Main Board of the Society for the History of Education and at the same time it is published by the renowned publishing house Wydawnictwo PTPN in cooperation with the Faculty of Educational Studies of the...
  • Biuletyn Socjoterapeutyczny

    "Sociotherapy Bulletin" is a scientific journal published by the Polish Association of Sociotherapists and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The main aims are: the development of theory and research in the field of sociotherapy, supporting the professionalisation of sociotherapy and...
  • Bohemistyka

    "Bohemistyka" be most of all it will be a complete and reliable set of information and, as I hope, an effective help for all bohemists, primarily in Poland. For this purpose it will be a means of exchange of thoughts, doubts, and also experience, a means which will make all the readers familiar...
  • Comparative Legilinguistics

    Comparative Legilinguistics (International Journal for Legal Communication) is published four times a year by the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. We are pathfinders in mapping the contours of legal linguistics and legal translation...
  • Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne

    The Legal History Journal (CPH) is a leading Polish scientific peer-reviewed periodical dedicated to the history of law, particularly research on the history of political and legal systems, the history of political and legal doctrines, the history of Roman and canon law, religious law, and the...
  • Człowiek i Społeczeństwo

    "Człowiek i Społeczeństwo" [ Human and Society ] – Adam Mickiewicz University academic journal, managed by the Faculty of Anthropology and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science and Faculty of Sociology. It concentrates on a human being within the...

    THE SCOPE : Ethics in Progress provides a crossdisciplinary & crosscultural global forum for the examination and discussion of innovative research in ethics across disciplines. EiP especially encourages submissions that use a range of empirical and experimental research methods. It...
  • Filozofia Chrześcijańska

    “Christian Philosophy” is dedicated to the philosophical research but it does not exclude other related scientific fields of research, theology included. Until now, the journal had a national scope. The magazine presents articles dedicated to the problems present in contemporary culture from a...
  • Public Philosophy & Democratic Education

    „Public Philosophy and Democratic Education” is a semi-annual peer-review (double-blind review) reviewed scientific journal, which constitutes a transdisciplinary platform not only for scientific reflection and analysis of social, political and cultural phenomena considered from the...
  • Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia

    Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia is a leading journal of the Faculty of Archaeology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. It has been annually published since 1985. All articles are peer-reviewed, both by Polish and foreign scholars. The editorial committee is composed of international...
  • Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia

    Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia is an international, peer-reviewed journal of Scandinavian studies, established and edited by the Department of Scandinavian Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland). The journal carries scholarly articles on Scandinavian linguistics, literature,...
  • Forum of Poetics

    „Forum” represents a place for public discussion, and it is time we had more dialogue on the subject of poetics in this place. „Forum of Poetics” is a bilingual (Polish and English) philological quarterly, published in digital form and dealing with contemporary problems of poetics. The purpose...
  • Geologos

    Geologos is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing research results and review articles covering all earth-science disciplines, with a focus on the geology of central and eastern Europe. Manuscripts dealing with the geology of these areas will get priority. All manuscripts should...
  • Glottodidactica

    Glottodidactica focuses on applied linguistics with special attention paid to teaching and learning languages (glottodidactics). It means that although we publish articles on general linguistics, language pedagogy, translation, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics,...
  • Gwary Dziś

    “Gwary Dziś” journal dates back to 2001 when the first volume was published under that title, with J. Sierociuk as the editor. In 2015, the series was transformed into an on-line journal and an informal organ of the Dialectology Committee at the International Committee of Slavists. “Gwary Dziś”...
  • Historia@Teoria

    OPIS CZASOPISMA Już w XX wieku okazało się, że wszystko co ludzkie godne jest zainteresowań historyków. To, co ludzkie wyznacza nie tylko uniwersum historycznych stanów rzeczy, ale i znajduje się w polu dociekań nauk humanistycznych i społecznych. Historia skazana więc jest na dialog z innymi...
  • Homo Ludens

    „Homo Ludens”   (ISSN 2080-4555, DOI: 10.14746/HL) , registered in Poland in 2009, is the official journal issued by the Games Research Association of Poland (Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Gier). The journal carries original articles on various aspects of ludology as broadly perceived games...
  • Humaniora. Czasopismo Internetowe

    „Humaniora” is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, online journal that publishes papers in all fields of social sciences and humanities, especially in such disciplines as philosophy, cultural studies, cognitive science, educational science, psychology, sociology, and religious studies. The authors of...
  • Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication

    The journal “Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication” ( DOI: 10.14746/i; ISSN: 1731-450X; E-ISSN: 2720-040X) is a biannual scholar journal with an international focus and scope, indexed in databases such as SCOPUS , ERIH PLUS ,...
  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology

    Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology is an English-language annual and has been published since 1993. The scientific profile of this journal covers topics related to any scientific reflection that uses the achievements of many scientific disciplines to understand the phenomenon of music, both...
  • Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej

    OPIS CZASOPISMA Czasopismo naukowe poświęcone problemom współczesnej pedagogiki specjalnej, łączącej wiedzę z obszaru nauk humanistycznych, społecznych i medycznych. Jego zadaniem jest szeroko rozumiana wymiana myśli, poglądów dotyczących wykluczenia społecznego, marginalizacji, nierówności...
  • International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences

    INTRODUCTION: International Journal of  Korean Humanities and Social Sciences is published once a year by the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland in co-edition with Inha University, Incheon, South Korea and Yonsei University, Seoul, South...
  • Investigationes Linguisticae

    INTRODUCTION: ABOUT THE JOURNAL CURRENT ISSUE ARCHIVES INDEXED IN: JSTOR; CEEOL; Google Scholar; WorldCat DOI: 10.14746/il ISSN: 1426-188X ISSN (online): 1733-1757 CREATIVE COMMONS:       Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License .
  • Journal of Gender and Power

    Journal of Gender and Power is aimed at providing an international forum for discussing various issues and processes of gender construction. It is a scholarly, interdisciplinary journal, which features articles in all fields of gender studies, drawing on various paradigms and approaches. We...
  • Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja

    "Culture-Society-Education" is a scientific journal published at the Faculty of Educational Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań twice a year. The journal exists since 2012. Articles are being published in Polish and English, as well in other congress languages. Each article...
  • Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie – Oblicza i Dialog

    „Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie – Oblicza i Dialog” [ Eastern Slavonic Cultures – Aspects and Dialog ] is a scientific journal established at the Institute of Russian and Ukrainian Philology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. It is a series of publications for researchers, who are interested...
  • Lingua Posnaniensis

    - International journal published by the The Poznań Society for the Advancement of the Arts and Sciences and the Institute of Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland; - Established in 1949; - Focuses on general, comparative and historical linguistics; - Publishes original...
  • Neofilolog

    Neofilolog is the double blind peer-reviewed periodical of the Polish Association of Modern Languages (PTN). The printed version has been published systematically since 1930 (with a break in the years 1940 and 1989), and since 2009 it has also been published in an electronic version. The main...
  • Pedagogika Społeczna Nova

    Misją czasopisma jest zwrócenie uwagi na środowiskowe konteksty procesów wychowawczych oraz koncentracja na analizie warunków umożliwiających zaspokojenie potrzeb rozwojowych jednostek i grup społecznych we wszystkich fazach wieku społecznego oraz różnorodnych sytuacjach życiowych i środowiskach...
  • Peitho. Examina Antiqua

    Peitho / Examina Antiqua is an international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to investigation of ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine thought. The journal publishes original research articles, discussions and reviews in the fields of ancient philosophy, science, literature, history and language....
  • Polskie Studia Krajobrazowe/ Polish Journal of Landscape Studies

    „Polskie Studia Krajobrazowe-Polish Journal of Landscape Studies” ("Polish Journal of Landscape Studies” until 2022) is an online journal published by the AMU Institute of European Culture in Gniezno, in collaboration with the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. The journal is an...
  • Polonistyka. Innowacje

    The journal demonstrates the close interconnection between teaching practices and didactic theory derived from reflection on the essence of Polish language education. It brings a variety of contexts (literary, linguistic, cultural studies, etc.) to light, which should be used as points of...
  • Porównania

    "Porównania” has been published annually since 2004 and biannually since 2011.  It includes original works and translations of comparative research within literary studies, theory and history of culture, theory of science, anthropology, art study, the cinema, music but also comparative research...
  • Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze

    OPIS CZASOPISMA „Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze” to półrocznik, który jest ‒ zgodnie z tradycją zapoczątkowaną przez prof. Zdzisławę Krążyńską i prof. Zygmunta Zagórskiego, redaktorów pierwszego tomu (wówczas serii wydawniczej) z 1996 roku ‒ płaszczyzną wymiany polskiej i europejskiej...
  • Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza

    ”Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza” (Poznań Studies in the Polish Language and Literature. Linguistic Series) is a peer-reviewed scholarly and research journal published bi-annually. The journal is affiliated with the Institute of Polish Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz...
  • Poznań Polish Studies. Literary Series

    Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka is a semiyearly journal of literary scholarship. Each issue of the publication represents a monograph whose main contents are devoted to a particular problem chosen by the editorial staff. The interpretation section (“Confrontations”) is...
  • Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne

    „Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne” (“Poznań Slavic Studies”) is a six-monthly journal co-published by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The journal was established at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology of Adam Mickiewicz University by the Institute of Slavonic Philology, where...
  • Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne

    ‘Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne’ (‘Poznan Theological Study’) is a journal published by the Faculty of Theology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. It has been published since 1972 (initially as a year-book and now as a six-monthly) in printed (original version) and electronic forms. Its basic...
  • Critical Review

    The Critical Review (Przegląd Krytyczny) is a scientific journal published in the Faculty of Sociology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, in cooperation with the Sociological Committee of Poznan Society of Friends of Arts and Sciences. In the journal, we publish articles, interviews,...
  • Przegląd Politologiczny

    The Przegląd Politologiczny (Political Science Review) quarterly has been regularly published since 1996. At present it is published by the Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza [Academic Publishing House of the Faculty...
  • Przegląd Prawa Rolnego

    “Przegląd Prawa Rolnego” ( Agricultural Law Review ) was registered in 2007 as a journal focused on the field of agricultural law, understood in its broadest sense. It covers, in addition to (traditionally understood) agriculture, the legal issues associated with food, the environment (in...
  • Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu im. Adam Mickiewicza

    Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza / Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review is a general peer-refereed journal designed to contribute original papers on theoretical, interdisciplinary, comparative and doctrinal oriented inquiries into the legal sciences published by the...
  • Strategic Review

    The academic periodical "Strategic Review" is published by the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. It is published since 2011. The journal has international character. "Strategic Review" warmly welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions and...
  • Przestrzenie Teorii

    Przestrzenie Teorii [Spaces in Theory] is a theoretical and literary journal of scholarly criticism. Established in 2002 in the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU)., it is co-edited and developed in a close cooperation with the Faculty of...
  • Quaestiones Geographicae

    Quaestiones Geographicae is peer-reviewed and its language is English. It is published quarterly in print version by Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe and in an electronic version on de Gruyter platform. The publisher is the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences of Adam Mickiewicz University...
  • Refleksje. Pismo naukowe studentów i doktorantów WNPiD UAM

    The academic journal of the students and doctoral students of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism “Refleksje” addresses issues in political science, security science, media and communication sciences and international relations. The editorial board consists of graduates of the...
  • Res Facta Nova. Teksty o muzyce współczesnej

    "Res Facta Nova" is an academic journal devoted to contemporary music. From the beginning (it was founded in 1967), regardless of the vicissitudes of Polish culture and cultural policies, it has been an important landmark in the musicological, critical-musical and music-related writings in...
  • Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej

    Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej   [Yearbook of European Integration] is an academic periodical of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The first issue was published in 2007. The principal objective of the periodical is to provide a platform...
  • Yearbook of Pedagogy

    The aim of the journal is to integrate pedagogical research in Poland through annual presentation of the achievements of individual research institutions, as well as publishing methodological dissertations. The yearbook tries to be a synthetic informative and critical review of the most...
  • Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna

    The journal „Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna” [ Regional Development and Regional Policy ] is one of the most important Polish journals disseminating the scientific achievements of the discipline of socio-economic geography and spatial management. It is published quarterly by the Faculty...
  • Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny

    Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny (RPEiS) [Poznań Journal of Law, Economics and Sociology] is one of the oldest and most prestigious academic journals in Poland. RPEiS is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles in both Polish and English. Our primary goals are to assist...
  • Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia

    The journal Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia is an annual journal of the Faculty of Modern Languages at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, dedicated to linguistics, literature and cultural studies. Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia is primarily a publication forum integrating the...
  • Silva Iaponicarum

    Silva Iaponicarum 日林 is a Japanese studies biannual devoted to the broadly comprehended field of Japanology in humanities and social studies. It was founded in 2004 at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, and has since been published as a joint venture of Polish centres of Japanese...
  • Slavia Antiqua. Rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim

    JOURNAL DESCRIPTION Interdisciplinary and international annals dedicated to a broadly defined history of the Slavic universe. First published in 1948, it presents texts on archaeology, history,  linguistics and the related fields of study. The journal is published by the Faculty of Archaeology...
  • Slavia Occidentalis

    OPIS CZASOPISMA "Slavia Occidentalis. Linguistica" publikuje artykuły dotyczące zarówno problematyki zachodniosłowiańskiego językoznawstwa diachronicznego, jak i językoznawstwa synchronicznego. Dominuje jednak problematyka diachroniczna. Autorzy piszą najczęściej o polszczyźnie,...
  • Society Register

    SOCIETY REGISTER is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes in English empirical, conceptual, and theoretical articles that make substantial contributions to the field in all areas of social sciences including sociology, economics, political science, psychology, cultural studies,...
  • Studia Anglica Posnaniensia

    Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: An international Review of English Studies, was established in 1968 by the eminent Polish anglicist Jacek Fisiak and has been published continuously ever since by Adam Mickiewicz University Poznañ (Faculty of English). It is devoted to publishing high-quality...
  • Studia Azjatystyczne

    OPIS CZASOPISMA Czasopismo zostało założone przez pracowników Katedry Studiów Azjatyckich UAM. Adresowane jest przede wszystkim do młodych badaczy. Ma służyć jako platforma wymiany myśli i prezentacji wyników bieżących badań. Zakres tematyczny pisma obejmuje szeroko pojętą problematykę...
  • Studia Celtica Posnaniensia

    Studia Celtica Posnaniensia is an international review of Celtic Studies appearing once a year in paper and electronic format and published by the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. The journal publishes original articles on all aspects of the linguistics,...
  • Studia Edukacyjne

    Studia Edukacyjne   to interdyscyplinarne czasopismo naukowe poświęcone zagadnieniom edukacyjnym, indeksowane w European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH Plus). Stanowi ono płaszczyznę pozytywnej konfrontacji różnorodnych sposobów postrzegania i badania rzeczywistości społecznej;...
  • Gniezno European Studies

    Studia Europaea Gnesnensia  is a journal of local, national and international scope. The subject matter of the journal is focused on broadly understood European culture without chronological and problematic limitations. The research areas covered in the texts published in  Studia Europaea...
  • Studia Germanica Posnaniensia

    The scholarly Journal Studia Germanica Posnaniensia is published by the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. Its articles refer to areas such as Literary Studies, Linguistics, Cultural Studies, Translation Studies, and Glottodidactics. The Journal is...
  • Studia Historiae Oeconomicae

    Studia Historiae Oeconomicae (SHO) is a refereed journal published two times a year. The journal is addressed to historians (particularly economic historians), economists, sociologists and social scientists who are interested in economic life in social and cultural contexts, both from...
  • Studia Prawa Publicznego

    Studia Prawa Publicznego [Studies in Public Law] is a peer-reviewed legal journal published on a quarterly basis since 2013. It is affiliated with the Faculty of Law and Administration at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, published by the Adam Mickiewicz University Press. SPP is a journal...
  • Studia Romanica Posnaniensia

    INTRODUCTION: „Studia Romanica Posnaniensia” is a journal devoted to the studies on languages and literatures of Romance-speaking areas. Founded in 1971, at present, it appears four times a year. The journal publishes scholarly papers covering the following areas: linguistics and language...
  • Studia Rossica Posnaniensia

    "Studia Rossica Posnaniensia" is published by Adam Mickiewicz University Press. The journal was established in 1970, over the years it has published papers of the authors affiliated with renowned schools and centres of Slavonic studies around the world. The journal which came to life in the...
  • Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia

    “Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia” is a six-monthly scientific journal dedicated to the study of language, literature and culture of Ukraine.  The journal was established at the Institute of the Russian and Ukrainian Studies (now Institute of East Slavic Philology) of Adam Mickiewicz University....
  • Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching

    Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (ISSN 2083-5205) is a refereed journal published four times a year by the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz, Poland. The language of publication is English. The journal is devoted...
  • Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae

    The journal Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium was founded in 1973 in the Department of Classical Philology at Adam Mickiewicz University, and conceived as a periodical journal intended primarily for classical philology scholars based in Poznań, but also welcoming scholarly contributions from...
  • Central European Political Studies

    The academic quarterly Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne [Central European Political Studies] has been published regularly since 2003. The periodical is issued by the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The periodical is accredited by...
  • Teologia i Moralność

    The academic journal „Theology and Morality” is a biannual published under the patronage of the Association of Theologians of Morality. It serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas of Polish and international scholars of the following disciplines: ethnology and cultural anthropology,...
  • Psychological tests in practice and research

    The journal prints scientific papers on psychological tests and other research tools. It is also devoted to the study of the process of assessment and its context, as well as to the analysis of the results of psychological measurement tools. The journal combines knowledge from the fields of...
  • Yearbook of the Poznan Linguistic Meeting

    Focus  and Scope The Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting (YPLM) carries selected papers based on presentations at the Poznań Linguistic Meeting , a leading European linguistics conference. ABOUT THE JOURNAL CURRENT ISSUE ARCHIVES Indexed in:...
  • Zeszyt Prawniczy UAM

    Adam Mickiewicz University Law Journal is a legal periodical published annually since 2011 with an aim to present the views of researchers from Poland and abroad on current legal problems, in particular regarding new technology law, artificial intelligence law and personal data protection...
  • Biological Letters

    Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License DOI: 10.14746/biolet  ISSN: 1644-7700  eISSN: 1734-7467 Częstotliwość wydawania: 2 razy w roku Języki: angielski                                                                        OPEN ACCESS POLICY...
  • Current Topics in Biophysics

    JOURNAL ARCHIVES                                                   Current Topics in Biophysics (CTB) is an international journal devoted to all kinds of problems related to biophysics. Since its establishment in 1972 as an organ of the Polish Biophysical Society (initially entitled...
  • Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski

    ARCHIWUM CZASOPISMA                                      „Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski” jest czasopismem wydawanym przez Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Pierwszy tom ukazał się w 2003 roku. Czasopismo poświęcone jest zagadnieniom z zakresu...
  • Język. Komunikacja. Informacja

    JOURNAL ARCHIVES                                                 "Język. Komunikacja. Informacja" (Language. Communication. Information) was an annual journal devoted to linguistics in its broad sense, communication and information sciences, as well as relationships between these research...
  • Journal of Applied Cultural Studies

    INTRODUCTION: The Journal of Applied Cultural Studies is an international scientific journal directed at researchers representing all fields of the humanities and social sciences. The editorial board of the journal publishes original scientific articles, focused on the concept of culture. The...
  • Karaite Archives

    INTRODUCTION : Karaite Archives is a peer-reviewed print journal which will appear annually and which focuses on the literature, languages, history and culture of the Karaites in Eastern Europe. It is designed as a forum for Karaite scholars to promote research and exchange ideas. The journal...
  • Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe

    ARCHIWUM CZASOPISMA                                          „Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe” to periodyk poświęcony społecznym, edukacyjnym, prawnym i ekonomicznym problemom nauki oraz szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce i na świecie. Pismo łączy perspektywę naukową i praktyczną. Pierwszy numer...
  • Neodidagmata

    ARCHIWUM CZASOPISMA                                      Neodidagmata to czasopismo naukowe, poświęcone problemom teoretycznym, empirycznym i innowacyjnym współczesnej edukacji, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zagadnień dydaktyki, technologii kształcenia i pedagogiki medialnej....
  • Praktyka Teoretyczna

    “Theoretical Practice” is an open-access journal offering unlimited Internet access to all of its content. “Theoretical Practice” publishes theoretical, empirical, and methodological articles in the humanities and social sciences, above all in the fields of critical theory, political and...
  • Studia z Kognitywistyki i Filozofii Umysłu

    "Studia z Kognitywistyki i Filozofii Umysłu" są czasopismem internetowym poświęconym zagadnieniom umysłu, jego funkcji i biologicznych podstaw. Publikujemy artykuły pisane z perspektywy szeroko rozumianej kognitywistyki lub reprezentujące podejście właściwe filozofii, psychologii, logice lub...
  • Teologia Praktyczna

    JOURNAL ARCHIVE                                                   Nawet bardzo pobieżny przegląd polskich czasopism teologicznych zajmujących się tematyką pastoralną pokazuje, że nie mamy w Polsce profesjonalnego periodyku poświęconego zagadnieniom teologii praktycznej, jak nazywa się często...
  • Werkwinkel

    JOURNAL ARCHIVES                                                 Werkwinkel is a peer-reviewed scientific journal which is published twice annually, either as standard or themed issues. Scientific articles in the broad fields of Dutch and South African Studies (culture, language and...
  • Zeszyty Naukowe Centrum Badań im. Edyty Stein

    JOURNAL ARCHIVE                                                   „Zeszyty Naukowe Centrum Badań im. Edyty Stein” to półrocznik naukowy łączący refleksję filozoficzną, religioznawczą i kulturoznawczą. Każdy z tematycznie ukierunkowanych numerów poświęcony jest namysłowi nad wybranym...